Thursday, 30 August 2012

Unknown discovery kit

This lovely little kit looks simple enough, but I think it's a little deceiving and might be quite difficult.
According to the instructions it measures over 12"
It has 2 resin parts, a brass rod and a bag of white metal parts.
There is a loose photo of the finished model, but no stand is included as shown


  1. Anyone have any idea what make this is?

  2. I have the same kit somewhere but boxed/branded differently . I will dig it out if I can and share any info on the box.

  3. White boxed item with crude photocopy image on front.

    "Made by RESHAPE "
    12in Limited run.

  4. hi, have you built your kit yet?

  5. Yes mate, but I'm no modeller so it leaves a lot to be desired.
    The undersides of the white metal pieces are very un even resulting in a less than pleasing unevenness/ alignment when glued in place.
